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Multi Award-Winning Complex Care Provider
Great British Care Awards Winner
Our JAM Journey
Message from Founder & CEO - James Nichols
JAM CARE started life as just an idea in 2018. Having seen family members and close friends struggle to get access to great care, I was confident there must be a better way. So, I spent the next 24 months finding out what the challenges were and how we could do things better. I also spent time with two of the UK's largest home care providers and their clients. In 2020 JAM CARE was born.
Most people thought we must be bonkers starting starting a new care business in the middle of a pandemic, but it gave us an amazing opportunity to help people at a time when they needed us most. From Day 1 the focus was to recruit brilliant people who would be able to provide the best care possible. So, although we are only in our second year, our management team have over 100 years of Health & Social care experience, and our care team have many years of care experience.
​Our JAM ethos is really simple - we look after our people brilliantly, so they look after our clients brilliantly.
To achieve this, we only recruit people that live and breathe our JAM values... and we look for 3 key traits in every new colleague:
1) Be reliable and dependable,
2) Work Hard for our clients and
3) and most importantly... Care!
If you've got this, then it’s a great place to start from.
In terms of our clients, our aim is to help our clients stay in their own home, maintain their independence and live a rich and full life. We only take new clients on if we know we can provide them with the best care possible - and that means provide them with a great team of dedicated carers. We don't believe in our clients seeing a revolving door of support staff and new faces each week and we don't use agency staff. If you are a JAM client you will get a dedicated team of specialists looking after you.
Finally I should explain the name! JAM CARE.... well we are a business that has family values at it's heart. So JAM is named after mine: James, Archie, Marie! That's us in the photo, just before we started JAM. Marie runs our Compliance Department and Archie helps out with our social media team after school and on weekends (XBOX commitments permitting...)... and he already has designs on being the future CEO so I need to watch my back!
Contact us today for further information and opportunities with JAM CARE